Christ Church
Work started on the present Christ Church building in 1904. It was consecrated by the Bishop of St Albans on October
7th 1905. At that time Christ Church was a daughter church in the parish of St Andrew's, the church standing on the other side of the main railway line. It did not become a parish church in its own right until 1909, when the parish of Christ Church, Watford was created.

Workmen building the marble pulpit in 1904
The present parish boundaries were established in 1948 and form a triangle with its southern tip in Watford Junction Station! Two sides of this triangle are marked by railway lines, the branch line to St Albans to the south-east, and the main line between London and Glasgow to the west. The northern boundary is the A41 trunk road.
About 15,000 people live in the parish and
many are employed in a number of small factory estates and in
the retail trade while many others commute to London. There
are five primary schools in the parish.
St Mark's Church in Leggatts Way was built in 1931. Until 1948 it served its own district straddling the A41. Then it was incorporated into Christ Church parish. Today the two church communities belong together and share their clergy, though each has its own officers, organisations and ways of doing things.
Both congregations co-operate fully in Churches Together in North Watford and Garston which includes Methodist, Baptist, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army and other Christian denominations and congregations. At different times in the year these churches get together for worship, prayer and study, and simply to enjoy themselves. They also participate in a wider grouping called Christians Across Watford .
For more details of these activities contact
The Parish Office, St Mark's
Church, Leggatts Way, Watford, Herts. WD24 5NQ Phone: 01923
here to Email us
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