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Priest-in-Charge of Christ Church and St
Revd Vicki Davies
Our Readers
Readers are
lay ministers of the Church. They share with our clergy in leading
worship, preaching and teaching in our churches and elsewhere,
and in caring for our church members and people who live in
our parish. They can also officiate at funeral services.
Mr Keith Cheyney
We're sorry to say that
Keith Cheyney died in May 2023.
In July 2019, Keith Cheyney
retired and became a Reader Emeritus.
Keith has served as Reader at Christ Church and St Mark’s
for 54 years. In the early years, his work was mainly at St
Mark’s, but ever since a change of incumbent in the 1970s,
he has ministered at both churches and elsewhere in the Parish.
St Mark’s church held an afternoon tea to say “thank
you” to him for all his ministry here in Watford as our
longest serving Reader.
Mrs Sue Pankhurst
We regret to inform you that Sue Pankhurst
died suddenly on Tuesday Sept 10th 2019.
Sue was a brilliant colleague
who wore her considerable learning and experience lightly, whether
that was from her work as a physiotherapist or as a Church of
England Reader. There was a lot there but she simply didn’t
show it off. It was only if you were able to work with her that
you discovered the depth of her knowledge and experience, as
well as her skills with people whether one to one, or in leading
Sue was a good leader but one able to lead by encouragement
and with humility as well. It wasn’t about her but about
God and the people she was serving. She worked hard too, whether
in preparation or delivery.
Sue’s busy life included a strong commitment to the Talking
Newspaper for the Blind - helping to record many editions over
the years, using her skills in physiotherapy and in listening
to people at the Peace Hospice, acting as chaplain at the Ambulance
station, and supporting the work of Churches Together in North
Watford and Garston for whom she was to have been moderator
from later this year. Sue was also a busy mother and latterly
Sue’s most public role was as a member of our team of
Readers at Christ Church and St Mark’s, often leading
worship or preaching. Sue put a lot of time into preparing sermons
and her effort showed at its best in what was to be her last
but perhaps best sermon on Children and Church.
Sue also ministered to the residents of Courtlands Lodge by
taking communion to them every month. What wasn’t so public
nor so easy to quantify was the precious time Sue spent listening
to people and being alongside them during tough times.
Sue took a key role in launching Messy Church as a new initiative
here. Sue was an important member of our planning team as well
as taking her turn to lead and deliver Messy Church sessions.
She was also heavily involved with our children & families
outreach project (Lift Off) from its beginnings seven years
ago. Not content just to sit on a committee, Sue willingly joined
the other volunteers who operate our children’s clubs.
She was already well involved, but to help cover maternity leave
Sue simply got stuck in and did extra sessions wherever someone
was needed.
Sue’s calling as a Reader had led her to becoming Deanery
Readers Advisor about two years ago. This meant supporting other
Readers, interviewing people thinking about Reader ministry,
raising the profile of Reader ministry and Sue had planned to
go to every church in Watford deanery to preach about Reader
ministry over the next 12 months.
Just two days before she died Sue preached a brilliant sermon
on Children and Church, twice of course, at St Mark’s
and at Christ Church. It was well prepared, clear and enthusiastic.
This was Sue, ministering right to the end and that is how some
of us at least will remember her. We will miss Sue but we will
not let our sadness stop us continuing the work which was so
close to her heart.
C hurchwardens are elected at the Annual Meeting
of the Parish. With the Parochial Church Council they are responsible
for the business and financial aspects of parish life, and for
the care and preservation of the church buildings and furnishings.
The Church Wardens
Christ Church & St Mark's Parish Office,
St Mark's Church,
Leggatts Way, Watford.
WD24 5NQ
01923 681972
Claire is the Children’s and Young
Families' Outreach Worker for our parish and St Andrew’s.
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St Albans Road
WD24 5BD

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St Mark's Church
Leggatts Way
WD24 5NQ

St Mark's Directions
Office .
Christ Church & St Mark's Parish Office,
St Mark's Church,
Leggatts Way, Watford.
WD24 5NQ
Tel: 01923 681972
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