Church Groups
There are meetings for Prayer, Bible Study and general discussion throughout the year.
Tuesday Circle
At St Mark's is a monthly afternoon meeting of a social kind. Anyone who enjoys instructive talks, quizzes, crafts, competitions, the occasional outing, and refreshments is welcome.
Gather Round … Ladies
Is an all-age women's group meeting monthly, normally on a Tuesday at Christ Church . It is open to all who want to get to know one another better and to explore issues of mutual interest. Refreshments are provided and a small contribution towards the cost of visiting speakers is welcome (but not compulsory).
Men's Breakfast
Meets monthly at 7am on a Saturday morning. Open to men who enjoy a fry up while sharing one another's interests and putting the world to rights.
Parish Choir and Music Group
Are open to anyone who enjoys making music with other people. They also help in leading our Sunday worship.
Mothers' Union
The Mothers' Union no longer meets
at Christ Church.
Its membership is not limited to
women (as the name might suggest) but is open to anyone keen
to support its aim which is to strengthen and preserve marriage
and family life through Christianity. New members are always
to visit their website.
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