Please note that we are in the process of updating our website. In the meanwhile, please check our information at
A Church Near You
Our contact details are:
The Church Wardens
Christ Church & St Mark's Parish Office,
St Mark's Church,
Leggatts Way, Watford.
WD24 5NQ
01923 681972
Revd Vicki Davies
PUBLIC NOTICE 22/01/2025
Public Notice for Christ Church management system
using ANPR
NOTICE IS GIVEN that we are applying to the Consistory
Court of the diocese for permission to carry out the following:
New car park management system using ANPR. Click
here to see the details.
........ .....................SAFEGUARDING

Welcome to our website; we hope you will
enjoy it. More than that, we hope it might encourage you to
come and meet us.
In our parish we meet in two church buildings,
Christ Church and St Mark's Church, places which also have a
special importance for many other people who come to them at
significant moments in their lives.
We try to make our buildings and activities
accessible to everyone.
Information to download
Off! Information
for Peace - click to find a Prayer for Peace issued
by the Church of England
Tea and Cakes - click to find out about our coffee
mornings at Christ Church from 10am to 12 noon on the first
Saturday of every month, except for January. They
will include Book Swap.
All Welcome